External Shariah Audit

Extensive Sharia Audit experience: We lead the Sharia Audit for both local businesses and across the GCC. In Saudi Arabia alone we serve 37% of the Saudi Investment Companies licensed by the CMA, 32% of the Financing Institutions licensed by SAMA and 52% of the Co-operative Insurance firms listed on the KSA stock-exchange. We thoroughly understand the challenges Companies face in planning and maintaining Shari Compliance. Given our exposure to the region we understand what makes the pertinent regulations unique, and have a clear understanding of the AAOIFI Sharia compliance framework within which the Islamic businesses operate.
Proven Track record in International Markets: Outside the Middle East we have conducted Sharia Audit for multiple sectors at various levels of the financial industry including clients from US, UK, Canada, France, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Hong Kong and Australia. We have also been the Sharia Auditors for the Islamic ETF of Washington based Falah Capital– the first of its kind to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
The right Sharia Auditors with the right knowledge: We place great value on ensuring that our Sharia Auditors are qualified in the science of Sharia and Islamic jurisprudence. Our diverse team of hard working Bahraini’s and expats from Germany, Russia and Sri Lanka have studied in top universities such as Al Azhar, Dar-ul-uloom, Islamic University
of Medina and INCEIF (Malaysia) and are knowledgeable, client-focused professionals who understand local Sharia compliance regulations.
Delivering Value by verifying SSB Control: The governance of Sharia Supervisory Board (“SSB”) approvals has never been more important. In today’s Sharia compliant business environment, there is more scrutiny and scepticism of SSB’s review, approval and supervisory methodology than ever before. Local and international investors now expect greater reliability, more oversight and clear evidence of internal Sharia controls. We can help meet these expectations by auditing the completeness and accuracy of information contained in SSB’s certification and supervisory procedures – in light of AAOIFI Sharia standards – using a control based approach.
An efficient, risk-based approach: Our continuous engagement at all levels of the business has provided us the ability to deeply understand systematic Sharia procedures & internal control mandates and Sharia product exercises within institutions. As part of our external Sharia Compliance Audit practice, our approach will specifically be tailored to identify and address significant risks in the your Company’s financial make-up, business processes, internal controls, product manuals, governance and perform substantive tests to get an understanding of the relevant issues and the Sharia operations behind them.